In the midst of all the terrible happenings in Boston yesterday I just want to take a moment to say congratulations to Katie Fiedler for completing her first Marathon with a really good time! She finished in about three hours and 55 minutes, just minutes before the bombs went off. This is Katie in front of one of the quilts she made awhile back. Willie and her son and his girlfriend were at the finish line to cheer Katie on and were very fortunate to not be hurt. Some time passed before she actually connected with Katie and could hug her and know she hadn't been hurt. Everyone at the shop spent time worrying until we knew that they were all fine. They were very lucky.
Katie ran the marathon for Dana Farber Cancer Institute and has been busy raising money for them. Willie has been helping her by making bags and wallets like these and selling them
here to give the money to Katie towards her goal. They both have been working very hard and yesterday was supposed to be a celebratory day. It was supposed to be a celebratory day for a lot of people. That was denied them.
My heart goes out to all the runners, families, spectators, volunteers, organizers, medical, police, fire, and everyone involved in the Boston Marathon and pray that something like this never happens again.