Across the street from the Convention Center is a park. I came across this golf cart? one day while
waiting to be picked up by my sister. No person, just a cart. I never saw a person before I left. Click to see the details, it's beautiful! Apparently they use it to drive around kid's play equipment. What fun! And so appropriate for the quilters to see while leaving the convention center!
Inside the convention center the Moda Booth was sporting a full fledged campsite! Complete with all the accessories you need for "Glamping"!
You could have moved in and slept right there in the middle of the show floor! If you like that kind of thing.
I don't know what kind of critter is cooking on the grill, but it does not look like something I would like to try!
The cot looked appealing after hours spent walking around!
Even the inside was all decked out in fabric!
This "quilted" car belongs to someone connected with Memorial High School in Houston!
I went there to attend a pep rally to see my niece perform on the "Marquette Dance Team" and this car was a pleasant surprise in the parking lot!
This is another car I happened upon in the Heights section of Houston! It was outside Venus Hair and is known as the "Venus Hairse" and is a "Cataillic"!
This is my dream car!!! I loved it!
Doesn't the outside remind you of the classic Timeless Treasures cat fabric?
See the curtains?
Look at the bottom of the windows!
It is the perfect crazy cat lady car!!
The best part is the inside!! It is completely bejeweled!!
Even the dash board!!!
Love it!!!