On display this month we have quilts made by Kim Greenfeld! She loves fabrics made by Kaffe Fassett and makes a lot of quilts using those fabrics. A lot of people come into the shop and comment on the bright Kaffe fabrics and say they want to use them but they don't know what to make with them, especially the large florals. Kim shows that they can be used very effectively with patterns that most people are familiar with and are comfortable making.
I love the trees that are quilted next to the houses!Kim made these two quilts using the "Yellow Brick Road" pattern and you can see it made in two different colorways.
This simple appliqué quilt looks great! Look at the large floral fabric she used for the background!
Here she made a traditional "Trip Around the World" quilt using Eleanor Burn's pattern! It's beautiful!
Kim didn't follow a pattern for this one, she cut rectangles and made her own arrangement using Kaffe's shot cottons and woven stripes!
For more ideas for using shots and stripes, check out Kaffe's newest book, "Shots and Stripes", on your next visit to Tumbleweed!