Saturday, March 15, 2014


There is a "cut" on the outer beach in Nauset that inspired Jo DelNegro from Orleans to make this wallhanging.  This is the "center channel" of a 3 piece unit. Still to be constructed are dunes and tide pools to be placed on each side!  

Paula Tuano made this fabric portrait of an Indian man!  She originally painted him way back in 1976 and now she copied it in fabric!

Paula also brought in this wallhanging to show us!  It is the result of a "playtime with a brush" exercise done in a Katie Pasquini workshop! 

Joanne Hanson made this memory quilt with clothing from a woman when she was in the peace corps in Benin, Africa.  She met her soon-to-be-husband there and this quilt is their wedding gift from Joanne!