First, I have to let you know that Laurie LaConti will be at the shop on Tuesday, May 4, from 1-2:30 to answer any questions you may have about having your quilt machine quilted by her. Also to pick up or drop off quilts.
Now, this appears to be a class of mostly camera shy people. It was a Tuesday night class with Willie, but for some reason not many people appear and if they do, it doesn't appear to be on purpose. For example, I think Megan should be here making a quilt for her daughter's school auction.

This is June, working on snowflake applique blocks.

Carol, helping a quilt take flight with flying geese.

Dottie, who doesn't shy away from pictures, is making a quilt for her niece's first baby.

Yvonne should be here doing something. I think she might be shopping.
