The Pembroke Tumbleweed is still in the process of closing. Everything in the store is now 30% off. There's some really good deals there!
Laurie LaConte will be at Tumbleweed (W. Barnstable) on Thursday, March 24, from 1-2:30 to pick up, drop off, and answer any long arm quilting questions you may have.
Adele has a "Traditional Style, Modern Methods" class scheduled for Wednesday, March 24 and 30 from 10-4. You can also come either day and work on any project you may be doing. Please let us know tomorrow if you will be coming.
Debbie Zeida has been busy with her Jo Morton Club quilts. This patriotic one is called "Liz's Little Quilt" and is the first pattern for Club #10, starting in May.

This applique one is also a sample of one of the Club 10 quilts.

This embroidered one is called "The Sisters" and is the last pattern from Club 9.

Carol Ayotte made this black and white bag. It has the snap open and closed feature.

Betty Crowell stopped in and showed us her latest work-in-progress, this beautiful blue bargello quilt. She said it's about a third done. It's going to be huge!!