Almost back to "normal".
First, we will be closed on Easter Sunday. Also Mother's Day.
Laurie LaConte will be in the store on May 5 from 1 to 2:30 instead of April 28. So that's when to meet with her about any longarm machine quilting questions you would like to ask her.
I seem to be in a Halloween mood lately. Here's something else I'm playing with lately. I'm embroidering Day of the Dead skulls on wool.

They're not done yet, like this one needs teeth.

I crocheted a bunch of blocks.

And a bunch of granny squares.

Some fishnet crochet with flowers crocheted in.

Also some small flowers crocheted out of embroidery floss.

So, all of these parts will at some point all join together into a crocheted quilted throw kind of thing to make the festive Halloween season brighter. That's the plan. Right now I'm making beaded wool leaves for another section. Maybe they will all come together, maybe they will remain random piles of "stuff" that will be discovered later and incorporated into other projects. Time will tell. Meanwhile it's satisfying my need to change, sometimes I feel like embroidering, sometimes I feel like sewing beads and sequins, or crocheting, or appliqueing leaves, etc. It's a process.