Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bayberry Quilt Show!!!!

Don't forget!!! The Bayberry Quilt Show is this week!!! We have a coupon in the program book, so stop at the shop after the show!

Q u i l t S h o w

“Sew Many Pearls”

Bayberry Quilters of Cape Cod

30th Anniversary Quilt Show

2011 Raffle Quilt: Our Cape Cod (a 4 ‘x 6 ‘Wall Hanging)


4th, 5th, 6th, 2011

Thursday and Friday:




Daily Admission: $7.00

Multi-Day Pass: $11.00

Cape Cod Regional Technical High School

(Harwich, Ma. Exit 10 off Route 6, North on Route 124)

-Exhibit of over 200 Contemporary and Traditional Quilts by Members-

-Special Exhibits by Paula Tuaño and Mary Wheatley-

-Antique and Vintage Quilt Exhibit-

-Merchant Mall with over 25 Vendors-

-Lectures and Demonstrations-

-Quilt Appraisal Station by Certified Appraiser Vivien Lee Sayre-

-Boutique of Handcrafted Items-

-Raffle Quilt and Other Great Prizes-

-Artistic Treasures Raffle-

-Bayberry in Action: Hands-On Demonstrations and Techniques

-Kids Can Sew-

-Scavenger Hunt for Kids-

-Challenge to Celebrate Cape Cod National Seashore’s 50th Anniversary-

·-Snacks, Coffee, Drinks & Lunch Available for Purchase-

- Handicapped Accessiblewww.

Paula's Latest!

Paula Tuano finished this quilt for her grandson!
The center part is from a pattern.
She designed the borders to go around it.
It's hand quilted and hand appliqued and is amazing!
Lucky grandson!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Linda's Quilts

Linda showed us her chicken quilt she is making with fabric left over from her hexagon chicken quilt.
Here's a closer look!
She made this one using a pattern from Bunny Hill Designs.
Her basket quilt is actually made from charm squares from her guild!
That's a lot of squares!

Monday, July 25, 2011


We've received a lot of fabric lately! Silent Cinema by Jenean Morrison for Freespirit arrived!
Also from Freespirit we received some Loulouthi by Anna Marie Horner and Aviary II by Joel Dewberry!
Some Kaffe came in that were reorders that we couldn't be without!
These new black and white fabrics have a lot of movement in them and would do wonders in a quilt!
Have you noticed the giant nest on the telephone pole on 6A heading to the left out of our parking lot a little before the railroad tracks? People have asked us about it. I'm told that it's occupied by ospreys, but it looks like Big Bird's nest to me. It's big enough!
I've seen two occupants flying to and from it. I don't know if there are baby ospreys in it or not. I like seeing it on my way home from the store.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Blue Mood!

There seemed to be an abundance of blue and white quilts this week! This one was made by Willie and is from Kaffe's "Quilts en Provence" book.
She had Laurie LaConte quilt it for her.
Next we have Marilyn Holle's, her first big quilt! She had Laurie LaConte quilt it for her.
Mary Loftus brought in her queen size hand pieced and hand quilted quilt she is finishing for her granddaughter's wedding in September.A closer look!
Kathryn Butterworth made this ocean waves quilt for a friend. Lucky friend!
She had Laurie LaConte quilt beautiful waves all over it!
This is another of Willie's quilts.
I want to make a blue and white quilt now!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mostly Jo Morton Quilts

Jeannine had her 2 finished Jo Morton Little Women Club quilts to show us!
This one is her other one!
Evie had a pile of her's quilted by Laurie LaConte. Quilt #1:
Quilt #2:
I love the cheddar in this Quilt #3!
Quilt #4:
So, it was like Christmas for Evie, getting all these quilts back all quilted! This one is also her's, not a Jo Morton one. She made this in a class here taught by Adele. Quilt #5:
This last one was made by Ursula using Thimbleberries fabrics. Look at all those little points on the triangles!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday Night Quilts

Kellie Parham comes to class Tuesday nights with Willie teaching. Here's what she's finished lately!
These fabrics look almost like velvet, don't they?
This was a mystery quilt that they worked on.
Suzanne Adler made this Lil' Twister quilt. It's a fun one! We have the templates at the shop.
This is one that Suzanne is making, along with the pattern, to appear on Moda's website.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Jane Moreton made this Kaffe Fassett quilt top - entirely by hand!
Take a closer look!
She also pieced this 2nd quilt top entirely by hand for a quilt for her granddaughter!
Very cute!
While in Florida, Carol Antis started to make this raincoat in a class with Linda McPhee!
It's made entirely out of plastic bags from places she has traveled to!

Friday, July 15, 2011


A gentleman stopped in the shop yesterday asking if we had any empty spools. He needs some to make clamps to use while repairing violins. These smaller Coats Dual Duty spools are the right size, so if anyone has any empty spools to give us we will pass them on.
These new summery fabrics arrived this week. Flip Flops and ice cream cones and polka dots and stripes!
Of course, since it's July we're getting new Christmas fabric! Time to start if you are making anything for Christmas!
Cheryl was using her latest bag creation this week! Nice fabric combo!
Ann Grey brought in her latest bag to show us! The shell fabric she used is perfect for the summer!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Ann and Charlotte are visitors from Australia! Their local quilt shop is Material Obsession, which is one of my favorite quilt shops that I have never been to! I check the Material Obsession blog all the time and can tell that I would love to hang out there. Check it out here!Pat Cairns brought in her Cape Cod Quilt to show us! It's very Cape Cod, even cranberries for a border!
Linda brought in this cake stand quilt that she made from blocks that were part of a block exchange.
She also made this wallhanging. She's been busy!
This one was made by Tina Richardson. She used a Kate Spain pattern for it. Pretty colors!