The latest reports indicate the hurricane will be closer to us than they thought. We'll find out tomorrow I guess. If it is going to be bad, we'll probably close early so call first if it's questionable weather.
Meanwhile, these nine bolts of Jo fabric arrived yesterday.

In the last Jo Club meeting some ladies made tea wallets. This one belongs to Nancy Brennan.

You put your tea bags in the pockets to keep them safe. Then it folds up and looks like this.

This one belongs to Mary Ellen Streeter.

I could've used one of these wallets a number of years ago. I was only drinking decaff tea and it was amazing the number of places that didn't carry it. Eventually some places started carrying herbal teas, but they were no substitute for regular decaff tea. I always had my own tea bags in a plastic baggie in my purse. A tea wallet would have been so much better.

Nancy Brennan spent time discovering the "hand-look quilt stitch" on her machine.