Today a group of ladies from the "Proper Bostonians" Quilt Guild spent the day in our classroom!

They came in to take a Landscape Class with Carol Ayotte!

They spread out and had a wonderful day of making landscapes!

There was piles of fabric and works in progress wherever you looked!

Here's Charlotte Halloran with her beach!

Patty Bailey with her's!

Lorri Foley without a beach!

Pat Kelliher made this one!

It looks like Fall in Fran Byrne's landscape!

Anne O'Connell's landscape has lots of sailboats in it!

The waves are rolling into shore in Susan Powell's landscape!

In Carleen Farrell's landscape the shore is reflected on the water!

Isn't it cool how different they all are?
These next landscapes are all done by Carol Ayotte!

They're all different scenes,

and they are all awesome!

These are framed and under glass!

They are beautiful!!

Carol will be teaching Landscapes again in October, I think. The schedule will be out next week.