This is a yo yo quilt put together by Sheila Crowley with the yo yos she and her Mom, Mildred Crowley, made while her Mom was in the nursing home. Mildred taught both her daughters to sew and was always happiest with a needle in her hand. Sadly, Mildred passed away last year and her daughter just put the finishing stitches in this special treasure.

Pat VanBrandenburg always stops by when she in on the Cape and this time had this gorgeous purple quilt to show everyone!

Lois is almost finished with this pinwheel quilt for a lucky baby!

Shirley stopped in to find sashing fabric for these blocks. Each block was made by a friend or family member and sent to Shirley to be put together.

They were given a farm theme and this is what they came up with. They are adorable!

Click for the details, there is a lot of embroidered details on them.

This isn't the green that she decided to use, I'm sure she'll bring it in before she gives it away.