Mary Ann Karpinski made this quilt top using a jelly roll from the Moda line called "A Stitch in Color!" She calls it her "Circus Quilt!"

Debbie Whitney came in with a blast from the past! She brought in this quilt made by Hilary Gifford, who now lives in Upstate NY! Hilary gave it to her for her 60th birthday, lucky lady!

Terry Curry had this to show everyone on Wednesday night at the shop! It has about 1050 hourglass squares in it using about 95% Jo Morton fabrics. She started the center in a Jo Morton class in Maine! Wow! That's a lot of triangles!

Pat F. had this beautifully knitted shrug to show us Thursday morning! It's very light and lacy!

Debbie has also been knitting and completed this sweater vest! Love the color!

Pat F. has also been quilting, and has been hand quilting her hand appliquéd quilt!