Laurie La Conte will be at the shop on this Thursday, Oct. 7, from 1 to 2:30 to pick up and drop off quilts and answer any questions you have.
Susan Adler made this chuppah (wedding canopy) for her daughter Molly and fiance Jason's wedding on Oct. 3. It's made out of silk fabric and it's beautiful!

Betty Ann Mahoney is working on rug hooking lately, amongst other things! She stopped in to show us this pumpkin she's almost done with.

Betty Heibult, from South Dakota, spent some time at Tumbleweed last week! She is on a trip her husband planned for her birthday that includes lots of stops at quilt shops. What a fun trip!

Here we have Sparkle the Mermaid, made by Janice Erickson in a class with Carol Ayotte. Janice came in to get more fabric to make more mermaids. Sparkle will have company!