In Wednesday's class with Debbie, everyone decided to make the 15 Minute Tablerunner that Lynn Conroy had previously showed them. It was a success! Even Barbara completed one!!

Evie choose Christmas theme fabric to make her's.

Debbie made the top one with Jo Morton fabric. The lower one is one that Lynn made and has an embroidered rose in the middle.

The top one was made by Debbie and has machine embroidery in the center. The one on the bottom is Lynn's.

Kathy made the one on the left, and Patty made the one on the right.

Ann Marie made the one on the left, and Toni the one on the right.

Here's Nicole holding up two that she made!

Susan made her's extra long!

In this picture, Barbara's is on the left, Gail made the center one, and Evie's is on the right!

And a good time was had by all!